Michelle Thomason, PhD

Safety Branch, Department of Labour, Skills and Immigration

Day 1 - 9:45AM - 10:45AM

Michelle Thomason, PhD, is a kindness scholar, author and proud public servant. She has held various roles in government and is presently Director of Innovation & Planning, in the Safety Branch with the Department of Labour, Skills and Immigration. In this role, Michelle is focussed on psychological health and safety in the workplace. She is thankful to be a part of a dynamic team working to bring change to Nova Scotian workplaces through new and innovative ways of thinking and responding to health, safety and well-being at work.

Michelle graduated from the Sobey School of Business, Saint Mary’s University in 2020 with a PhD in Business Administration (Management). The focus of her research was kindness in organizations. Michelle is the Series Editor for a new series, Kindness at Work with Emerald Publishing, UK and the first title, Kindness in Management and Organizational Studies was published in January 2022.

More about this session:

What makes a workplace psychologically safe?

This interactive session will explore psychological health and safety. Topics for discussion will include, the CSA Standard, global innovators, connections to kindness and creating safe spaces. Information and next steps for Nova Scotia will also be shared.

Register now for the Nova Scotian First Responders’ Mental Health Conference

Limited space available for this event, so don’t hesitate to register yourself or your team today.