Chief Medical Officer
The Newly Institute

Presentation: Supporting Employees after Psychological Injury

Day 1 - 3:00PM - 4:00PM

Breakout: The Newly Institute

Day 2 - 11:30AM - 12:30PM

Chief Medical Officer, The Newly Institute
Clinical Assistant Professor, University of Calgary
Departments of Psychiatry and Surgery
Co-Lead, Alberta Pain Strategy, AHS
Co-Founder and Co-Lead, Community RAAM, AHS
Hotchkiss Brain Institute & Mathison Centre for Mental Health

Dr. Tanguay is a Psychiatrist who completed two fellowships, one in Addiction Medicine and Pain Medicine. He is a clinical assistant professor with the departments of Psychiatry and Surgery at the Cumming School of Medicine, University of Calgary.

Dr. Tanguay is the co-founder, developer, Chief Medical Officer, and Vice President of Business Development at The Newly Institute, a program dedicated to providing medical and psychological intervention for people living with mental health disorders such as PTSD, depression, anxiety, addiction, and chronic pain with evidence-based psychotherapy and trauma focused therapy.

He is the former Regional Director for Alberta and Northwest Territories for the Canadian Society of Addiction Medicine (CSAM) where he sat as a board member, the former President of the Pain Society of Alberta where he continues with the BOD as the past president, and the co-chair of the internationally recognized Alberta Pain Strategy. He is the founder of the Opioid Deprescribing Program with AHS, the Rapid Access Addiction Medicine (RAAM) Community Clinic with AHS, and the Transitional Outpatient Pain Program for Spine (TOPPS) clinics with the University of Calgary and is renowned for his innovation in creating clinical programs for complex chronic medical and psychiatric illnesses. He was also the Medical Lead for Addiction Education for Alberta Health Services (AHS) where he helped develop award winning CME programs for physicians and health care practitioners.

Academically, he is involved in research in trauma, addiction, chronic pain, opioids, cannabis, and psychedelics and is a member of the Hotchkiss Brain Institute and the Mathison Centre for Mental Health Research & Education at the University of Calgary.

More about this session:

Presentation: Supporting Employees after Psychological Injury | Breakout: The Newly Institute

Tuesday, September 13, 2022 | Wednesday, September 14, 2022

First Responders have dedicated their lives to serving ours. These last few years have not been easy to work in some of the most traumatizing careers and rapid access to appropriate treatment should be all our priorities.The Newly Institute programming and connections are dedicated to helping people suffering with mental health get well and get back to work and a healthy life. Long term resiliency and yearly mental health check-ups are part of our world class program. Fire Fighters and other first responders are struggling with mental health conditions and away from work like never before. Our health care system cannot effectively respond to the significant need for treatment for many mental health conditions.

By fusing a bio-psycho-social-spiritual treatment model in an intensive outpatient program, people can overcome deeply embedded traumas that prevent them from living fully in their everyday lives. Dr. Tanguay will explain how mental wellness can be achieved for those experiencing Mood Disorders, PTSD, Trauma, Anxiety, Addiction, and Chronic Pain conditions with evidence-based psychotherapy in a medically managed intensive outpatient program model. He will explore the evidence of the innovative intensive outpatient program designed to resolve the symptoms of these often treatment resistant disorders and help people get back to work and a meaningful and fulfilling life in a timely manner.

Register now for the Nova Scotian First Responders’ Mental Health Conference

Limited space available for this event, so don’t hesitate to register yourself or your team today.